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Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Layout Plurk


Mau layout plurk kayak layout plurk gue? Ganti aja CSS layout kalian dengan CSS plurk gue dibawah ini. Gratis kok, gue kan hanya ingin berbagi. #berbagibersamadipizzahut  wkwkwkwk XD

/*Designed by*/

body, html {
background: url( top center repeat transparent;
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color: black;

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font-family:Lucida Handwriting

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color: #FF6699;

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/*Karma Count */
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margin : 5px 0 0 4px;
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background : transparent ul no-repeat;;
/*Default Baka Stuff*/
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position : relative;
background : transparent ;
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margin-right :none;
color : #FF6699;
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#sharePlurk input.clipboard {
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border: none;
cursor: url(;
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background: transparent url none no-repeat 0px -239px;
font-size: 1px;
height: 38px;
width: 81px
overflow: hidden;

#input_big {
background: transparent;

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